
Holiday Trash Disposal & Recycle

With the extra holiday deliveries, there is additional trash, and we need to do their part by disposing trash and recycle items properly. Please make sure to break down all your cardboard boxes to make room in the recycle bins. Trash bags left next to the dumpster may transport contaminants into the storm water system, resulting in an illicit discharge. We appreciate your support in helping our property look it’s best and protecting our environment!

American Assets Trust, Inc. (“AAT”) is a dedicated steward of our community and our environment. Together with our community partners, we have developed and incorporated into our business practices innovative programs to promote environmental sustainability and social responsibility.

At Torrey Point, sustainability is more than just a buzzword; it's a way of life. Out team is committed to being an environmentally and socially responsible partner. We work tirelessly to ensure that we use the most up to date and eco-friendly building operations practices without compromising tenant comfort.

Torrey Point is LEED Silver Core & Shell.

